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we have already started the process of dismantling the real world because we believe we can build this perfect world. for it to work, we will have to accept the fact that we will have to change the physical world. that will not be easy but will make the future vastly better.
as an engineer, we often are in the position where we need to prove or disprove a hypothesis. if we conduct a study on a product or a process, we need to justify our hypothesis. if we prove we are right, the hypothesis that is proved becomes the truth. if we disprove the hypothesis, the truth that disprove the hypothesis becomes the truth. if we disprove a hypothesis, the following common question arises:
as coders careers evolve less through their expertise than who is signing their paychecks, there is always a constant code editor available to them regardless of which ide the company prefers. it could be seen as an act of willful defiance or just personal preference, but text editors are always there.
become the ultimate ark hunter! unlock all 4 initial base classes, as well as the crusader and engineer classes, $50 worth of bits & more. includes $50 worth of bits crusader class + outfit exclusive crusader outfit tint engineer class + outfit exclusive engineer outfit tint assault class assassin class guardian class combat medic class tmw hannibal 800r atvsystem requirements: supported platforms:one - microsoft xbox xbox account required for game activation and installation
i had a roommate in college who color-coded all of her textbooks on our bookshelves. instead of being organized by class or subject or author, they were literally organized by the colors of the rainbow. perhaps not a practical index system, but it seemed to make her happy. this is not ocd. its funny, quirky, perhaps impractical, but she didnt organize the books this way because she felt compelled to do so out of a need to alleviate deep-seated anxiety. she just liked the colors.